Pain Management Fellowship

One year Aesculap Academy Pain Management Fellowship

Scope: A period of specialised postgraduate training for clinicians which will enable the graduate of such a program to properly assess and manage patients with chronic pain of all types and to understand the sciences basic to the practice of pain management.
Duration: One year Pain Management Fellowship

1. The candidate for pain management fellowship must be holding a Diploma or Master’s Degree in anaesthesia or other recognized specialities of Medicine like neurology, orthopaedics, physiatry etc.
2. The candidate must provide at least two letters of reference and a curriculum vitae.
3. Indian candidate must appear for an interview, International candidate will be selected based on CV and recommendation. Telephonic/video interviews will be done for international candidates.
4. Candidates who have done a course from Daradia will be given preferences.
Schedule: Candidates will be taken in January, April, July and October. Interviews will be conducted by whatsapp video before starting of course.

Registration fee:
177,000.00 INR for Indian participants.
9204.00 USD for Foreign participants and Non-resident Indians (NRIs).


Gautam Das MD, FIPP (Pain Physician)- Course Director

Debjyoti Dutta MD, FIPP (Pain Physician)

Chinmoy Roy MD, FIPP (Pain Physician & Rheumatologist)

Kanchan Sharma MD, FIPM (Pain Physician)

Part-time visiting faculty:
Sunita Lawange, Karthi Babu N, Pankaj Surange, Harshita Surange, Anand Kumar GS, R. Gurumurthy, Pravin Thomas, Rammurthi, Jay Panchal, Mayank Gupta

Although not every participant of Pain Management Fellowship will be fully trained in every area listed below, he or she should at least have had some exposure to patients whose care involves all of these areas.


Medical diagnosis and therapy during
History and physical examination
Measurement of pain
Physical therapies
Vocational/rehabilitation assessment and management
Participation in multidisciplinary assessment and treatment
Minor Surgical procedures
Other procedures appropriate to the fellow’s training

Psychologic diagnosis and therapy
Use of diagnostic tests during
Collection of data from interview and standard forms
Comprehensive assessment
Treatment options
Individual, group and family psychotherapy
Cognitive-behavioural therapies
Biofeedback and relaxation techniques

Pharmacotherapy to learn during
Local anaesthetics
Other drugs and various routes of administration

Specific types of painful conditions to learn during
Post-operative pain
Post trauma pain
Cancer Pain, including issues of death and dying, palliative care and hospice
Pain associated with nervous system injuries – CRPS
Pain associated with chronic disease
Pain of unknown aetiology
Pain in children
Pain in elderly

Regional pain syndromes to learn during
Facial pain syndrome
Neck and upper back pain
Low back pain
Extremity pain syndromes
Thoracic and abdominal pain
Pelvic and perineal pain

Interventional Pain Management to learn during
Interventions & nerve blocks in head and neck
Interventions & nerve blocks in trunk
Interventions & nerve blocks in extremities
Advanced pain therapies – Intradiscal procedures, epiduroscopy, spinal cord stimulators, intrathecal implants etc.

Other topics to learn during
Alternative therapies
Palliative care and end of life issues

Seminars and journal clubs
The seminars and journal clubs should be conducted at weekly intervals either of them.

Log book
Mandatory, to be submitted along with thesis during
There should be a record of OP/IP Consultation participation
There should be details of participation in academic programme like seminars, symposia, clinical meetings and journal clubs
There should be record of bed side demonstrations
Teaching other postgraduates, nurses etc should be documented
Any special duty or event managed should be documented
There should be details of procedure observed, assisted and performed. The candidate must have performed at least 50 interventions during his academic year.
If the unit is running acute pain service, the details of patients handled must be mentioned.
The log book is to be filled regularly by the candidate
The entries need to be endorsed by the concerned consultant
On the completion of the course by the candidate, this log book shall be deposited in the department for future reference

Certification of Pain Management Fellowship
The project should be submitted three months before examination. The examination should involve theory and practical examinations (involving 1 long case, 2 short cases and table viva). Those securing more than 50% of marks will be awarded Fellowship in Pain Management.

Click here to enroll to all pain management fellowships at Daradia